The Horse of the Year show, held annually in the Hawkes Bay, is the penultimate end of New Zealand’s southern hemisphere show jumping season. The show runs for six full days of competition show casing, eventing, dressage, show classes, show jumping and many other equestrian disciplnes.
The final afternoon stages the top show jumping class of the year, the one each and every top rider aspires to qualify for during the preceding days - the Olympic Cup.
The past two seasons has seen the combination of Henton Faberge (For Edition / Genius) and the young rider, Emelia Forsyth go from 1.10 to qualifying for the most prestigious class in the show jumping calendar. Something they would have only ever dreamed of at the beginning of their partnership.
This year there were 21 entries who qualified for this prestigious class. The two round competition saw many experienced horses and riders fall by the wayside over the huge Olympic qualifying track. Henton Faberge picked up only one rail in each round to finish their first Olympic Cup in 6th place.
Henton Lodge and the family of Emeila were on site to hugely congratulate her on an outstanding finish to what has been a stellar season. We are all looking forward to see what next year brings for the hugely promising combination who have already been selected for the New Zealand Young Rider Squad.